Member Presentations Program
Unless otherwise specified, Member Presentations are digital presentations.
Members typically present up to 10 images (or as specified beforehand). Topics vary for each specific program, some are open to any topic / subject, others are themed. Amount of time allocated for each presentation depends on the number of members presenting, but is typically 5-6 minutes.
Priority will be given to members who have not presented their work before (if needed).
Images are submitted in the same place and method as for Competitions under the web site Competitions menu. All images must be jpeg format.
In order to keep your photos together and in the correct order, each image needs to be titled with a prefix of the year and type of presentation and then your first and last name and the two-digit number representing the order of the images – for instance, 2024 MPFC janesmith01, 2024 MPFC janesmith02, 2024 MPFC janesmith03, etc. The prefix of the presentation type will be on the submission page as well as on emails to members about each presentation.
Any questions, please contact the event organizer.
The theme is “Trilogies.”
It’s about going beyond a single image to explore a subject or tell a story.
This Member Presentation is inspired by Brooks Jensen’s Trilogies book project which solicits photos in groups of three through his website LensWork.
The idea with a Trilogy, as Brooks explains, is “three images of a project that are related and develop the story more deeply” than a single image does. “They can be of the same mood, the same subject from different points of view, three different perspectives, three different times of the year of the same subject, and lots of other ways” to use three related images as a grouping. The hope is that the three images together are more substantial than any one of the images alone.
There’s a difference between a Triptych and a Trilogy. Triptychs are often three images conceived as a three-part single image segmented over three panels in the same frame. Or three contiguous separately framed images that together form a singular three-part image. A Trilogy is different. A Trilogy is about the relationship of three distinct images to expand their visual, emotional, and or story impact.
No image titles or accompanying text needed. You do not need to arrange the images in a layout. Just submit the three separate images. All monochrome OR all color for a single Trilogy set probably works better. Title the images with prefix of the year and TRIL and your name and 01, 02, 03 as in 2025 TRIP JaneSmith01.jpg, 2025 TRIP JaneSmith02.jpg, 2025 TRIP JaneSmith03.jpg. The numbering does not matter on which image is in which order.
You can submit up to three Trilogy groupings (each grouping is 3 images).
IF YOU SUBMIT MORE THAN ONE TRILOGY, Use variations of your name in the title format described above such as last name first, or first initial and last name in order to distinguish the different sets of trilogies.
We’ll present the images as they would look in a two-page book layout. Each Trilogy displayed over two pages. A single image on one page and two on the other.
See examples from the 2022 Trilogies book (note that their book has a restriction on formatting where only one vertical image is allowed in a trilogy. For our Member Presentation, we do not have that restriction):
If you have questions, please contact me at