Do You Know…The Boston Camera Club is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. That the dues money pays for about half of our annual expenses!
Give a Gift to Yourself...and the Boston Camera Club
Make a donation in honor of that photography friend or relative. A note acknowledging the donation will go to the recipient.
When you do your tax planning for the end of the year – please consider making a tax deductible
gift to the Boston Camera Club. All donations to the Club are deductible to the full extent of the law.
When you make a Donation to the BCC, you can:
Designate your donation to the:
Education and Programming Fund which will help underwrite the expenses of special educational programs and seminars and guest speakers at regular meetings
General Fund of the Club which supports our regular expenses
Undesignated gift and the Executive Committee will decide how best to use the funds
Or make a donation as a Tribute:
- In Honor Of, Appreciation Of, or a Memoriam to that photography friend or relative; a note from the BCC acknowledging the donation will go to the recipient
A receipt for your tax deductible gift or donation will be mailed to you in January of the new year.
Pay Online Instructions
Click the "Donate" button
You will be directed to the BCC Paypal site to complete your donation transaction.
Once you enter your donation amount, you will be directed to a page to complete your transaction and have the option to enter a message with any donation designation information.
Pay by Check Instructions
Make the check payable to: Boston Camera Club
Include any instructions on how you want your donation designated or as a tribute (see above)
Send the completed form and check to:
Boston Camera Club
Att: Treasurer
645 Boylston St.
Brookline, MA 02116